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Adoption UK website project - an update

jmk May 17, 2013 11:03
Thank you so much Jellies for giving us "users" the opportunity to give our opinions on how we would like the site develop. You should not have had to do this, but I for one, am glad that you did. I just hope Auk have the time to read it and take our opinions into account, as I am a becoming concerned that with the new improved website being scheduled to go on line in the Autumn, there won't be much time to run it all by everyone, that is if it actually does go online in the Autumn. Call me cynical, but I am not really expecting this to happen, as they have never met a deadline before and it is always promises and then lots of excuses when it doesn''t happen. Hopefully I will be proved wrong.
Edited 17/02/2021
sapphirezodiac May 17, 2013 11:21
Hi JMKIt depends what project rollout method they are using (maybe AUK can advise). If they are equally using an "AGILE" methodology - a business recognised process structure for managing big projects - then if my rusty memory serves me right, they will go live in stages at the dates they stipulate but on the basis that the system will be in eg first draft at that time and subject to further enhancements and changes as the use increases.If they are not using AGILE (and I dont mean their description of the product being so, I mean their method for managing the project as being the AGILE method) - then they commit to go live on the 80/20 rule.This method was designed specifically to counteract the constant failure of projects to meet deadlines because they were focusing on getting it right in every detail before go live. That is simply not practically or workable with bendy software, so the agile method kinda says "we promise to give you something that is not necessary as we would like it to be, unfinished, but will be workable and will be something. further developments then follow.I feel way more confident hearing that the product will be an agile (flexible) system and that they are more than able to alter and amend.I hope though that AUK are also actively intending to improve and enhance post go live and I equally hope they are not playing lip service to our woes by saying "dont worry we can improve it if it doesnt work for you" when actually they dont really intend to do that.
Edited 17/02/2021
true May 17, 2013 13:07
I am an AUK member and hope the majority of the boards stay open and free so people thinking about adoption, professionals open to learn about adopters experiences, as well as experienced adopters are sharing views and informationthere has long been a need for a private board for adopters who need non-judgmental support when they are facing extrme challenges due to their childs level of complex needs or are coming up against education, sw or camhs who do not understand the long term nature of attachment and trauma difficulties and blame current issues on current parentingalso for those being investigated for allegations or child protection concerns, those at risk of their children becoming Section 20 (voluntary LAC) or at risk of have their children removed through the courtshowever there would still be a need for some anonymised lessons to be learnt from these threads ? summary articles in Adoption Today
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti May 17, 2013 14:57
We are members and will continue to be members. I agree totally with True.
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM May 17, 2013 18:21
Just caught up with this debate. From my perspective as an auk member and volunteer, it feels like waiting for a bus. We've been waiting so long for 'one' private board and now several will come along at once. I think I'd like to know why the word 'most' was used, when only one or maybe two would be sufficient. For me a private board would have been a lifeline, when I was drowning in an 'adoption/mental health' crisis. But the argument was always that the regular boards wouldn't be used. By making most of them private this will surely be the result, so maybe saying 'some' or 'a few' would become private would be a better way forward. But it does appear the pendulum has swung a bit too far.
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM May 17, 2013 18:21
Just caught up with this debate. From my perspective as an auk member and volunteer, it feels like waiting for a bus. We've been waiting so long for 'one' private board and now several will come along at once. I think I'd like to know why the word 'most' was used, when only one or maybe two would be sufficient. For me a private board would have been a lifeline, when I was drowning in an 'adoption/mental health' crisis. But the argument was always that the regular boards wouldn't be used. By making most of them private this will surely be the result, so maybe saying 'some' or 'a few' would become private would be a better way forward. But it does appear the pendulum has swung a bit too far.
Edited 17/02/2021
bizzylizzy May 18, 2013 10:26
I'm not a member. I totally agree with true.Well said, true!bizzy
Edited 17/02/2021
Jellies May 18, 2013 18:56
True has hit the nail on the head for me.I too am an AUK member and will continue to be so while my children are stil with me, if the boards remain free to access when have have left this nest, I hope that I will continue to offer any support to those who may be tip toeing on ground that I have walked. By that time I hope that a (just one) private board will be available and well used by those unable to post openly about the most difficult of situations that they and their families may find themselves in.Until then, please complete the survey about the private boards.Jellies
Edited 17/02/2021
Starlight May 20, 2013 19:52
I am sorry if I am repeating what has already been discussed but I don't have time to read through all the other replies at the moment. It seems to me that Auk are trying to give what people have asked for many times - private boards. Therefore they probably felt this announcement would be welcomed by us. It also seems like Auk chose the most simple way of doing this - only Auk members can access private boards.However this does of course leave out an awful lot of regular users, who are non members, but in need of private boards.So Auk can I make a suggestion? At the moment you have a two tier membership scheme:Membership with Adoption Today Magazine - £45 (£14 low income)Membership with Adoption Today and CWW magazines - £74 (£30 low income) Could you not add another membership type to this, private message board access only - charging a fee of maybe £10 - £15 a year?I can imagine that this would produce a lot of income for Auk, as many people just can't afford £45 at the moment.
Edited 17/02/2021
bovary May 20, 2013 20:17
Eloquently and succinctly put, starlight! This would be a great solution, I feel, as one who just can't afford full membership and meet all my other financial commitments.
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto July 16, 2013 12:39
Relax it's holidays now, most of adoption uk employees will be at the Bahamas.
Edited 17/02/2021
Jellies August 16, 2013 14:57
Just come back from Hols and have read in the new look (very nice) Adoption Today Mag that it looks like AUK have seen sense.I quote from the Our forums section of an article titled Adoption UK leading the way -While the quality of support that our message board users give each other is outstanding, our forum software has become outdated. But the patience of our message board users is about to be rewarded as alongside our new-look website we will be launching a new and upgraded forums.Members will have access to a members only area while the majority of the boards and the vital information and support shared on them will be available to all users'Also lovely to see a written acknowledgment of the input of adopters to these very boards -There is no doubt that the success of the online message boards is down to the hundreds of users who take the time to offer support to those who ask and those who share their adoption experiences that so many others identify with. ......' What a pity that it has taken an AUK member to post this and that it was not posted by AUK - unless I have missed it, in which case I apologise in advance.
Edited 17/02/2021


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