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trax0201 June 30, 2018 00:04
Looking for advice / opinions - my daughter (Yr5) has additional needs withEHCP and the EP assessment states special secondary school. I have found a moderate LD out of area school I want to apply for as all school in our area are SLD and I don't think that they are the right place for her although I am sure the LA will try and place her in one of these schools - I am prepared to go to appeal but as a single parent I know this will put a massive strain on me and effect our relationship - I want to explore the rights of adoptive children getting priority for school places - I know this is true in mainstream but when asked about special schools I have been told no - surely this seems unfair to me - I have looked as some gov. admission document and think that it doesn't specify between mainstream and special in adoptive children being given priority admissions - does anyone have any experience of this, know of where I can get any legal advice (I know about IPSEA) etc - thanks.
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto June 30, 2018 08:51
Could it be that those local schools have classes for more able children? Another point could she not stay in mainstream and make the move when going to secondary?
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto June 30, 2018 08:53
Could it be that those local schools have classes for more able children? Another point could she not stay in mainstream and make the move when going to secondary?
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella June 30, 2018 09:06
Adoptees don’t get priority admission to special ed. It’s based on need and I don’t necessarily disagree with that. Two of my children are in special ed - one was straightforward because his needs were very clear from a very young age so mainstream was never a workable option. My daughter coped in mainstream primary but wouldn’t have in secondary. That was a year long battle to get her where she needed to be. I know the kids in their unit and I know their families, most of whom have had similar battles to us. It’s about their primary need - is it adoption related or SEN related?
Edited 17/02/2021
safia June 30, 2018 09:32
I would just argue on educational reasons that is the most suitable school for her - the one I chose was in a different LEA - though actually slightly nearer - and the second choice one was in a third LEA - roughly the same distance - we’re in London so LEA’s all quite small. They didn’t argue about the school choice - though they had suggested mainstream so yours saying your daughter needs special education is a useful beginning - however they had just decided not to provide transport to those who chose an out of borough school - eventually those who already had a place managed to get it back after a fight. We were just starting at that point so I don’t know whether we would have won that fight but I didn’t try as the main point was to get the school but it meant driving there twice a day - and more if something was going on - for 5 years - so bear that in mind as it might be harder if you’re the only bread winner. I thought it was definitely worth it myself as the school was definitely the right choice - there was one family who had moved from Norfolk to get a place and found a house just round the corner - so that’s another option
Edited 17/02/2021
safia June 30, 2018 10:18
You’re asking specifically about the adoptive status of your daughter in gaining admission - I’m not sure of the legal position - maybe someone in your LEA such as the virtual head or SENDIASS could advise? As part of my case for a particular school (see above) I asked our PASW from our agency who had been our social worker for a time when the children were placed for a supporting letter laying out her needs (adoption related rather than educational) which she did and was very much guided by me in what to include - don’t know if it made a difference but anything you can think of to support your case is worth including
Edited 17/02/2021


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