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Call with a child's SW - what to expect

Lady in waiting July 20, 2022 08:49

Hello there,

My other half and I have been shortlisted for a little one and we're over the moon!

After a lot of emails with the FF, the child's SW is interviewing/speaking with us and another few families. These are online meetings because the child cannot be placed regionally, so we guess they'll visit only one.

We've already provided a very detailed explanation of how we can take care of this kid and why we think we're a good match - and so far, they seem to agree... However, we're not sure of what to expect from this meeting. Questions? Do we need to prove/prepare something? Our SW says each LA is different, and also she works for a VAA, and doesn't know what to expect...

Any help?

Many thanks!

Edited 20/07/2022
July 20, 2022 10:37

Exciting times!

I would be prepared for them to probe what you have provided

classic question - why this child?

Also use this time to find out more about the child -what does their routine look like, what is their personality like, do they love broccoli and hate peas, Thomas the Tank engine or Peppa pig? The last bits sound a bit trivial but what will lift the child off the page for you?

good luck!

Lady in waiting July 20, 2022 10:48

Thanks so much for your response, Serrakunda27. Very thoughtful!


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