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new technology a threat to adopters?

Larsti January 8, 2014 19:22
I didn't know where to post this. There was a short piece in the Times the other day saying that it's possible now to check photographs and see who was taking the photograph and who was standing next to that person by enlarging the reflection in the subject's eye!! It said many mobile phones nowadays have high enough definition to be able to do this with the resulting photographs. It will help in identifying paedophiles who post photographs on the Internet, apparently. However it could also be used by birth families (if the technology was readily available in the future....which surely it will!!) to see 'us' as we take photographs for Letterbox? Sorry my paranoia is showing! I'm thinking of face recognition searches on the web and that sort of thing. We only realised the other day that maybe DH and I shouldn't feature on our older children's Facebook accounts. They know not to put Dash on there.
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs January 9, 2014 12:44
I've read this as well but think you can disable the gps function on your phone that has potential to allow this to happen. and it would only apply to photos they had access to so those posted insecurely online (unless they hack into your phone/computer itself), they'd not be able to do it with printed photos, well, maybe the reflection bit, but not the location etc becoz that's not printed out or stored on the paper. good reason not to post photos online though. (But am very far from a technologically competent person so could be wrong on all counts!)
Edited 17/02/2021


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