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newmum5 March 6, 2018 20:16
Hi All Just wondering about weight. New AS is two years and 5 months just. and weighs 2 stone exactly. He is about 93cms in height . He wears some 2-3 clothes if there are from Primark as their clothes are quite small, but if Mothercare 18.-24 months. He is at nursery and very active. Is he overweight? without clothes he looks ok. Slightly short against his peers in nursery. He loves his food and eats most things. Any advice? Thanks
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella March 6, 2018 20:41 Despite having had 3 babies, I’ll confess to not really having much of a clue. Provided height/weight are pretty much in ratio then I wouldn’t be too concerned. As a general rule, the cheaper the clothes the smaller they tended to be. Next are big to size as are M&S. I’ve just always bought the size they need rather than the age they should be.
Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree March 6, 2018 21:39
I would also go by the charts, not clothes sizes. One of my daughters wore lots of size 3-4 clothes at the age of 6. She was small, but very athletic. If there is a big discrepancy between percentiles for height and weight (eg. he is 23% percentile for height but 67% for weight), I would go see a GP. However, my daughter has almost 25% discrepancy and is definitely not overweight. It depends on how much muscle you have (muscle is heavier than fat) and your general built.
Edited 17/02/2021
strawberry_shortcake March 6, 2018 22:30
My son is the same age and height as your son but weighs over two stone. He looks stocky, but not fat. We saw the health visitor last week and I thought she might make an issue of his weight but she didn't. She seemed happy that he was a good eater. He eats proper meals and his snacks are healthy, even if they are plentiful. You could see your HV if you are concerned but if she's anything like mine she will just want to satisfy herself that you are not feeding him sugary foods.
Edited 17/02/2021
freddie2 March 6, 2018 23:07
Have you got a read book for him? If so there are charts in there where you can track his weight and height and see what percentiles he is in for both. If you track it you will see which percentile line he is following generally But I really wouldn’t worry too much. It’s good that he loves his food - I have the opposite problem with one of mine Xx
Edited 17/02/2021
freddie2 March 6, 2018 23:07
Sorry should say red book
Edited 17/02/2021
freddie2 March 6, 2018 23:07
Sorry should say red book
Edited 17/02/2021
newmum5 March 7, 2018 20:45
Thanks all, Saw HV today at the local clinic. She said he is on track and fine. Slightly smaller than his peers, but taking both BP's height and weight into consideration she said he is ok. He eats basically anything even Olives! Thanks again
Edited 17/02/2021


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