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made me laugh

little bear September 26, 2017 20:30
Was talking about names today with my teenage/nearly teenage daughters - they had been playing some game at school where you switch the letters of your name round to give you a nickname and we were doing the same with our names. Anyway, one of the names came up and my middle daughter (13) said, 'I really like that name, Mum, why didn't you call me that?' - There was a long pause before her elder sister reminded her that I wasn't around when she was born! I love the fact that at some times adoption is so far from her mind it is forgotten completely. (Should just say to avoid giving the impression that we're not 'out' about adoption that our girls arrived at ages 6, 4 and 3, and the fact of them being adopted comes up lots.)
Edited 17/02/2021
silver birch September 30, 2017 14:54
Yes I have had this, my teenage daughter had said something that upset one of her friends. We were discussing it and my daughter said it was my fault. I said "I don't control your brain or mouth so I can't see how it's my fault". To which she replied " you gave birth to me ". I told her 'I don't remember that and I think it is something I would remember" to which she replies "Oh yes.... you didn't, I forgot about that" then starts laughing.
Edited 17/02/2021


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