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Getting financial support for therapy written into adoption support plan

Mongrel April 30, 2020 16:47

After having a 7 year old girl placed with us over a year ago, we are finally at the point of applying for the adoption order. Our child has been assessed by CAMHS who recommended once a week play therapy to begin, possibly two a week pending a six month review. Our child does not have special needs, but has a horrific background, and the therapist's view was that she is likely to need therapeutic intervention for most of her minority. Alongside this we are having parallel therapy to support her, and couples counselling. This is all being paid for by different departments across the LA/Trust. The issue is that in the draft adoption support plan they will not commit to funding the therapy package beyond saying that they will apply to the ASF once we have adopted. No mention of matched funding for any duration at all for the 3 years they have responsibility. We are very concerned that if we do not have some detail/guarantee of matched or full funding of the therapy going forward (esp if the ASF ceases to exist) that we may be left without any therapy at all if they then refuse to support the therapy recommendations. The question is, what can we do to secure a more precise and longer term commitment from the LA to support the therapy going forward? Is it worth going to a solicitor? Can we refuse to apply for the order until we get more of a commitment from the LA? We feel strongly that we do not want to simply accept what they're saying and want to secure the best plan for our daughter.

Edited 17/02/2021


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