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How do you look after yourself?

SkyblueGrassGreen November 11, 2014 20:47
Okay, so this is always the big thing in our family. How do we, the parents, look after ourselves? Both husband and myself are prone to putting other people first and our own needs way down the list. But, we've had our children for several years now and though we've had snippets of time together and made attempts to look after ourselves, it tends to be the first thing that goes out of the window when times are tough. So I wonder, how do other forum members look after themselves on an ongoing basis? How can we be therapeutic parents for our severely traumatised children if we don't take care of ourselves? I wonder, in what ways do you nurture yourself and which part of the jigsaw has to take a back seat so that you can nurture yourself? Any thoughts?
Edited 17/02/2021
st peters November 11, 2014 22:40
It really is hard work I never felt it would be so much of a roller coaster. To answer your question my hubby has just bought me two day passes to a spa day that I can use when ever I feel I need it
Edited 17/02/2021


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