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disability and being able to parent an adoptive child

pinkstar September 20, 2012 20:46
hiare there any disabled prospective adopters or adopters who would be willing to talk to me via private message about how to evidence my ability to parent an adoptive child? thanks in advance
Edited 17/02/2021
wee me September 23, 2012 23:28
Hi pinkstarI've pm'd you x
Edited 17/02/2021
wee me October 1, 2012 20:32
Hi PinkstarI pm'd you after you replied to me. Did you get it? I'm not sure if my messaging is working or not x
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree October 30, 2012 08:41
Hi pinkstarI have pm'd you back
Edited 17/02/2021
Dopey November 2, 2012 18:19
Hi wee meHope you don´t mind me asking but do you have a disability and adopted.I only ask because my ho has ms and we are just starting the whole process, currently waiting for our first home visit.One of our main concerns has been that his illness will stop us from proceeding, we have been told that each case is on an individual basis and no one is excluded but we have not heard of any body adopting that is in a wheelchair.
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree November 2, 2012 18:24
There are a few wheelchair users about- I use a walker and chair etc.We have 2 Adoptees and 1 bc. There are lots of questions you will have to answer about your ability to manage your condition and what you think you could do if you are unwell.There's a tendency in Ss at times to see disabled people as service users rather than as doing Ss a service so that's a thing to watch for.We find generally VAs are much more accommodating.Remember, as a disabled person managing a long term condition your flexible thinking and can do attitude will help when parenting a child who hurts.All the best
Edited 17/02/2021
wee me November 2, 2012 20:02
HiYes i am a full time wheelchair user but am still waiting to have a child placed with us. We've been approved for a year and a half. I was the same as you at the beginning, never heard of a person in a wheelchair adopting but I researched all the stuff I needed to know about parenting with a disability, equipment, methods etc and made sure I was prepared with positive answers when the time came to be assessed. It does go on individual cases but I would say as long as you can show you can cope you'll do fine. Good luck x
Edited 17/02/2021
tiglet January 31, 2013 17:16
Hello.We adopted five years ago.I have a misplaced right hip and have had several ops, an arthritic back and knees and a severed femoral nerve in my right leg which limits my mobility.Our social worker went through my disabilities in our home study and was satisfied I could manage two children.At the time of our adoption course I had gone through a hip resurfacing op and had only been out of hospital for ten days and my husband took the special high chair I had to sit in along to our training sessions.I didnt have to prove myself I was just honest about my capabilities.At our adoption panel my disabilities were mentioned as my sw had been thorough in covering these in her report.We adopted a 2 and 3 year old (just turned these ages) and Ive managed.Im currently recovering from a full hip replacement but our two are now 7 and 8 and have been brilliant helping Mummy.They have understood from being toddlers that Mummy cant run or walk long distances, Daddy does the running about and football.As a family you adapt to your individual situation.Disability should not stop you adopting and youve got nothing to "prove" just talk to your sw and be honest about what your limitations are.
Edited 17/02/2021
tiglet January 31, 2013 17:17
Hi just to correct one of my lines "my disabilities werent mentioned"at adoption panel
Edited 17/02/2021


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