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full episode of Supernanny

pingu123 March 8, 2019 00:01
Does anyone know where I might track down an episode of Supernanny that I am keen to watch in full? Or does anyone remember the episode where Jo actually says this 4 yr old boy is NOT a suitable candidate for the naughty step. The boy had been a toddler when a sibling died. I wanted to know if she found a way of helping him but the YouTube clip runs out with him still tantrumming after about 3 hours. I think it is Series four episode one, but can't manage to track down the full show. It's not one of the selection on Channel four site unfortunately. Thanks in advance if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree March 8, 2019 09:31
I hope this works:
Edited 17/02/2021
Hedgehog55 March 8, 2019 11:37
I just watched that with horror, disbelief and overwhelming sadness - the grief that underlies everything only touched on at the end.
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 March 8, 2019 13:29
Thank you so much Hedgehog, it was really bugging me. I wanted to see whether such an angry boy could be helped by a purely behavioural approach. Looking at his behaviour I had him down as adhd - four and a half hour tantrum-wow !. But in his case it seems I was wrong and it was possible to turn things around. BTW I am not suggesting that's the case for anyone elses kid, some have serious issues, but thankfully for that family it seems to have been enough.
Edited 17/02/2021
Haven March 8, 2019 20:26
I watched this with interest. That poor little soul and those poor parents, I was crying for them. I do wonder if the Supernanny was giving out a lot more than was portrayed in the narrative of the TV programme? - while she took a behavioural approach with the parents, her own uncommented on style with the wee boy included lots of positive comments and praise and being unconditionally loving with him - it was just the boundary stuff that we got to see. I think the is possibly much more 'therapeutic' in nature than is broadcast, and thank goodness she recognised that the naughty step was the last thing he needed. I thought it was really telling later in the programme when the wee boy asked if she was going to the park with them - I felt that he was asking if the boundaries would come with him. I totally agree that the programme didn't make enough of the fact that this was a hugely traumatised boy in a hugely traumatised family - it was a 'nice' emotional story at the end. It was clear that the mum was traumatised herself, probably suffering from secondary trauma for her son - with lots of blocked care, guilt and fear for her boy in the mix too. Grieving with no time to grieve. How hard to cope with. The poor mum clearly needed some counselling - how could anyone not in her situation? Pingu, you are so right that this approach wouldn't have been enough for many of our families. This family suffered a huge, single trauma that had coloured their lives - so many adoptive are dealing with so much more complexity and multiple, much more sustained traumas. xx
Edited 17/02/2021
chocolatedog March 8, 2019 20:42
I find Supernanny interesting - the earlier series were very much all behaviour charts and naughty steps etc but she seemed to change her approach later on to a more therapeutic way of parenting where she acknowledged that the behaviour modification approach didn't work for some children
Edited 17/02/2021


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