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Step children asking to be adopted

Clarky January 20, 2020 19:51

Hi guys n gals. I have joined here as I need help.

I got married back in 2007 & my wife already had 2 beautiful girls from her previous marriage.

Sadly in 2017 we parted ways but I continued to see the girls every week without fail.

Both of my girls are now both over the age of 18. This evening my youngest (20) asked if I would adopt them both.

So my question is how on earth do I go about this? I have no idea who to contact and thought of asking this question on a forum.

Does the natural father have to be involved? So many questions I have, my brain is fried.

Edited 17/02/2021
Bop January 20, 2020 22:33

Assuming you are in the UK, they are too old to be adopted....maybe instead you could so some sort of ceremony where you promise to be there for them throughout their lives?

Good luck

Edited 17/02/2021
Lettice January 21, 2020 13:08

Your step-daughters may have come across examples of adult adoptions in the US, there are many emotional stories on-line. I would tell your girls that they don't need a piece of paper for you to be their real dad. A real dad is one who has been there for them as they grew up, shared their ups and downs, loved and cared, done the practical things as well as the fun things, shares their formative memories, will be there to give them away at their weddings (if they want!), feels privileged to be their Dad and will be Grandad to their children......

OK a bit of paper might alter their inheritance status and your rights to be involved in decisions over their care, or vice-versa, if needed. But these can be fixed by other bits of paper (wills, powers of attorney etc.) if they are causing you or your girls to worry about their legal status.

Edited 17/02/2021


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