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wish i wasnt a mum!

Lankelly September 17, 2013 23:16
oh you might know this one,BUT perhaps i am the only perverse one who at odd bloody times wishes I had not chosen to adopt after all and think how calm my life would be. it is just gut wrenching hard work. I applaud you all and pray for our sanity and times of laughter in our families.
Edited 17/02/2021
chocolatedog September 18, 2013 00:52
You're not the only one! Although, I have to remind myself when I think like that, how unhappy and frustrated I was at times before adopting, and how much joy and fun junior has brought into my life, even though at times it is soooooo hard......
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing September 18, 2013 08:22
Yes, you're not the only one. My friends with BC feel the same at times. I know it's so much more complicated for us for somany reasons, but I sometimes find that thought comforting. At the bad times I feel it very keenly, especially when I miss our old lifestyle - regular theatre trips, art galleries, loads of long walks in wild places and lots of wildlife watching, and fantastic holidays. We were very lucky! But then I remember the huge horrible gaping wound of grief I felt at being childless! Anyway, hugs.
Edited 17/02/2021
Panda202 September 18, 2013 10:09
Not sure what stage you're at in the process, but stick with it. Don't feel pushed to move legal things at any faster a pace than you and your own social worker feel is right and comfortable. We're coming close to the point where we might apply to formally adopt (4 or 5 months on from when we could have!), but there have been massive ups and downs on the way, and there have been more times than we can remember when to be blunt we'd have given Little Bear back in a heartbeat if the opportunity had really been there and if if hadn't done our heads in so much to think about the implications for him in particular. Life for us would indeed have been so much easier without Little Bear in the equation, but it's all beginning to make sense now, and we're slowly feeling able to regain some semblance of a life as we can start to sense a tangible attainable future together as a family.
Edited 17/02/2021
shadow September 18, 2013 10:30
They wont be young forever - before you know it they will be teenagers , leaving home etc and you will be wondering how it happened so quickly!
Edited 17/02/2021
Lankelly September 18, 2013 22:41
thanks all for recognising the duress/stress . I imagine most families are ragged after summer hols and schools returning. just very tired now lost the mojo and feeling nearly 50, well nearly am actually.! its been 7 years and 3 children in the family now. I think the social services have offered to payfor cleaning/ironing ! don't knowwether to be chuffed or feel like slummymummy! LOL .
Edited 17/02/2021


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