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Awaiting match

when1becomes2 February 16, 2021 13:37

Hi I am currently family finding and I am in discussions with potential match. I have a meeting with foster carer and medical advisor next week. Suddenly I have been hit with all these emotions. I finished painting little ones room and now boom I am terrified, excited, scared happy all in one go and my head is mushed. I am the only family at he Minute they are interested in also. Please tell me these are normal feelings

Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda27 February 16, 2021 14:21

yes, all of those things, all perfectly normal !

this is where it really starts getting real, its going to happen, why wouldn’t your head be in a mush?

Good luck !

Edited 17/02/2021
Sandra February 17, 2021 19:18

We have just been mathched with a 1 year old boy and our SW has raised the question of support network again, as both of our famalies live quite a bit away and we have small circle of friends not all of whom have children. Does anyone have any suggestions of how we can expand our support network during covid restrictions.

Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda27 February 18, 2021 16:31

Sandra, good luck with the match

As far as your support network is concerned you arent realistically going to be able to do anything about it now. So you need to think more imaginatively about what you do have. Whether your friends have children or not is irrelevant, they can still provide support. My family are at a distance, they still provide support, just not practical day to day stuff. What about neighbours, work colleagues - they don’t have to be best pals, just people who could do you a favour. Join on line adoption forums - instant support.

There is also no harm in acknowledging your support may be a bit limited but demonstrate that you know how to build support when a child arrives home, ie we will be going to nursery, toddler groups so I will make friends, we will go to the Adoption UK meet ups etc etc

Think about different scenarios where you might need support and who could provide that.

chestnuttree February 19, 2021 14:19

Maybe you could make a list with emotional support, advise and different types of practical support and write down who could provide what and show that list to your sw, so she can see that you have thought it through?

Melbourne February 21, 2021 12:24

when1becomes2 good luck with your meetings that are coming up, I hope they go well. Hubby and I have a home visit from a child's SW and FF coming up in a few weeks and I am feeling anxious about how it's going to go.

You mentioned that you were painting the bedroom, at what point did you decide to do that? We have a bedroom that is currently all white and would like to paint it but not sure when to do it? I guess hopefully if the link has been confirmed??

when1becomes2 February 28, 2021 18:37

Hi Melbourne meeting went great and I have a date for matching panel 🥰🥰🥰I have had the paint a while coz I knew wat sex a wanted. Decided to paint after recent visit as things were positive,

Good luck

Remy2 March 1, 2021 20:53

Congratulations 👍 How exciting for you x


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