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When did I decide? full text

siouxsie July 20, 2018 10:12
Hi, not posted for years but need to get something off my chest! I don't mean to frighten anyone, many adoptions are happy and successful but some aren't. This is about one that isn't but I've experienced both kinds and don't regret either. Keep going! When did I decide I'm done with you? Was it the millenium eve when you tried to push your Dad away, in favour of holding a stranger's hand to watch the fireworks? No, you were only four, you would learn to love us soon. Was it the hundreds of pointless lies you told, for no other reason than to get a reaction? No, you are only seven, you would learn that it's wrong. Was it the time you danced and shouted down the street as your Nana's coffin left her house? No, you were 11 with attachment issues, you would learn to regulate your emotions. Was it the too many times to count that you stole from us, from your Grandma, from friends and their parents, from school, from shops? No, you would learn right from wrong. Was it the time we found your private videos on your laptop after you had been trying to recruit other girls for your 'modelling' work? No, you were 17 and it wouldn't happen again. Was it the time you left home quickly, without a backward glance, and only got in touch for your savings account? No, you were 18 and wanted your independence. Was it the time I read Hare's psychopathy checklist and got a sick feeling in my stomach? No, we're not living in a film script. In the end, it wasn't anything major but the slow realisation that you were never going to change and that life is definitely too short to witness your parasitic lifestyle for any longer. I'm just tired of being no more to you than a Facebook friend. I'm sick of your disrespect to us and all the family. I always had hope but after 20 years, enough is enough.
Edited 17/02/2021
Bop July 20, 2018 10:19
((Hugs)) You words are very powerful. Sadly we are walking a similar path x
Edited 17/02/2021
lilyofthevalley July 20, 2018 10:37
Sadly you are not alone. Many have and are walking this path. What you have written is indeed very powerful. But maybe over the years they can mature a bit. You know that you have done your best and have provided love and experiences that must count for something. xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Johanna July 20, 2018 10:55
Hugs. My bd talks of people being drains or radiators in relationships. You need the radiators now Johanna x
Edited 17/02/2021
white christmas July 20, 2018 13:04
Sorry that you have been through so much and have hit a wall. It's just not fair for any of you. I understand, as we have been giving our all for many years with very little influence over our AD, who seems as damaged now as she was as a small child. Your lines are full of hurt and frustration and also love. You need to do what we cannot seem to do, to build a life without being sucked into chaos again. If you can do that whilst retaining even the slightest thread of connection with your AD then maybe in a few years there will be change. I keep thinking that we do not know the future and change is always possible. In the meantime look after yourselves without any guilt.
Edited 17/02/2021
Chirpy chicken July 20, 2018 18:02
Reading your post made me cry. Sadly what you describe is often the reality of adoption.
Edited 17/02/2021
aprilshowers July 29, 2018 08:43
gentle hugs to you (((((((()))))))) its the good the bad and the ugly of adoption.
Edited 17/02/2021


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