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I always wanted to be called mummy but...

Wrensgate August 26, 2017 20:51
Does Anyone else get sick of hearing the word non stop?! My little boy (4) just seems to use this word a regularly as breathing. Often he doesn't actually have anything to say. I do understand he just wants to check I'm there and to hold my attention but man it's annoying!!
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto August 26, 2017 21:03
Only 14 years to go, lol It is alright to give some bounderies if it really annoys you, it would annoy me as well.
Edited 17/02/2021
MummyDream August 26, 2017 22:05
Ha ha my birth children do it non stop and it's a typical groan all mummies have ! My new adopted baby doesn't talk and I'm Desperate to hear mama or mumma or anything ..... but once it starts it NEVER stops !! X
Edited 17/02/2021
Mundy August 26, 2017 22:31
I have several times pointed out to my children the rather suprising fact that contrary to their belief it is actually technically possible to start a sentence using a word other than 'mummy'. This always seems to be a shock to them.
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs August 26, 2017 23:40
I have the same with my current foster kidlets. literally every sentence starts with 'LOBs...' doesn't matter what it is or if we are in mid conversation always my name is there first. drives me nuts and I have called them on it and it doesn't stop it. I've taken up the same tack myself and started to answer every sentence with their own names but they haven't cottoned on yet! and 99% of the time the eldest kidlet will start with 'LOBs... ... ... um... er... blahblahblah' nonsense stuff and rarely has she actually had something to say, just comes out with complete and utter tripe! hey ho.
Edited 17/02/2021
CantThinkOfAUserNameThatILike August 27, 2017 12:13
Ahh. Children do it all the time. You will get used to drowning them out and hearing what they are saying but not listening. Now mine are teenagers. The trigger point for me now is actually responding to them when I hear the word Mum. Saying that I thought children were hard work until your manager starts constantly calling out your name.....
Edited 17/02/2021
Smile 231 August 27, 2017 21:01
So with you on this.... I adopted twins...!
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella August 27, 2017 21:30
I have three ... I now have a phrase 'stop mamming me'!!!! My daughter is especially annoying as she does it to grab my attention and often can't follow it up. I'm fairly blunt now and have developed the same selective deafitis as my husband and kids!!
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto August 27, 2017 23:36
Donatella :-D :-) :-D :-)
Edited 17/02/2021


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