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Hair care help needed!!!

minnie7 January 24, 2013 22:37
Hi, My LO is of dual heritage with quite dry afro hair. Can anyone give me any advice about managing it? LO came with hair products from fc''s but their hair is still very dry and combing it is a bit of nightmare.Is it better to use conditioner only rather than shampoo? And should I be using a leave in conditioner? And what do people do about combing? I use an afro comb and detangle spray but the spray isn''t very effective for LO''s hair.Minnie
Edited 17/02/2021
Imp January 25, 2013 00:04
Hi. I had a FC with much the same problem. Fortunately I also knew another FC who has the same typre of hair, who recommended a specific product ' Dark and Lovely Kids' Has a range of shampoos, conditioners etc. It really did help. Google to find suppliers. Not cheap, but lasts quite a long time
Edited 17/02/2021
apples January 25, 2013 00:07
Hi,If your daughter's hair is dry do not overshampoo. Wash with conditioner and when it is wet (with the conditioner on) you should be able to comb through much easier. We use an afro comb but we do know some people with girls who use a tangle teezer.A leave in conditioner is fine but she may need a hair food if her hair is very dry. You can also make up your own hair spritzer with water and coconut oil/olive oil to keep the curls looking fresh.Is the hair breaking? If so, it may be worth trying her with a satin lined sleep cap and changing the regular cotton pillows that most people have to satin pillows so the hair does not snag so much.There is a yahoo group called transracial hair and skincare-or something like that. It is worth joining as there are lots of helpful tips.We tried lots of different products on our son's hair before we got it right. We now co- wash (washing hair only with conditioner) and only use shampoo occasionally. We use the aussie leave in conditioner and use a hair nourisher specifically for his type of hair. His hair is quite long at the moment but we do have the option of a buzz cut which you don't.Happy hairdressing!
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk January 25, 2013 09:34
Minnie if you look at the BME board there is loads of information on there about looking after afro/dual heritage hair.HTH
Edited 17/02/2021
minnie7 February 2, 2013 19:41
Thanks for the advice My LO is a boy!!! I have tried the co-washing which has helped. And, have found the aussie leave in conditioner (expensive!!!) but good!!!Also, have found hairdresser who has mixed race nephew so is going to cut LO's hair shorter to make it more manageable - its suddenly got very big, if you know what I mean!!!Minnie x
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk February 2, 2013 23:05
Buy a tangle teezer, makes brushing wet hair a doddle. DD says it feels nice and relaxing.
Edited 17/02/2021
apples February 4, 2013 16:40
Hi,A boy- so much easier!!We keep our son's hair short most of the time and it is a doddle.It is when it gets longer that it takes more input but he is happy to go to the barber shop and be with all the men.I have just ordered som Carol's Daughter products. These are supposed to be very good. I will report back!
Edited 17/02/2021
smarties March 16, 2013 18:39
Hiya,I would suggest instead of using only conditioner to wash your little ones hair use shampoo then leave the condition in for at least five minutes (up to 30 mins) before rinsing. Doing this in the bath is best as it's easy to let them play while the conditioner works.If combing is a problem you can use a brush, it's more gentle on the hair then a comb.If no one has suggested it before use oil on his hair. You only need a little and work it through his hair. His hair will be greasy for a short time afterwards but will soak into the hair in half an hour or so. Makes a massive difference the next day. If you can't get a hair oil for "afro hair" you can use olive oil from the supermarket.In terms of shampoos aussie is great but pantene and most other brands work just fine if his hair is being conditioned well, but shampooing is important otherwise his hair will weaken and break.Hope this helps.
Edited 17/02/2021


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