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Coronation Street

Juniper Berry March 1, 2013 10:17
Sad I know but I''m a Corrie watcher. For any others, I was wondering what people are making of the storyline about the birth father of Fay coming into street? It''s a soap of course and they have to make it interesting to watch. But I do think there are some interesting themes, such as adopted Mum, Anna, trying to manage unplanned contact, birth Dad giving expensive presents (a laptop) without permission, and generally the way birth Dad is regarded as great by the child and adopted Mum and her partner, who are doing the actual parenting, are regarded as the naggers by the child. Also, what are your thoughts on the way Mum Anna wants to handle things in a way that apeases (sp?) the child and birth Dad and her partner wants to assert more control over the situation? I can''t help wondering where the storyline is going? Adoption breakdown maybe?
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda March 1, 2013 11:33
I'm also a Corrie watcher - not sure at the moment. Even allowing for the fact that there has to be dramatic licence this whole adoption story has never really been accurate has it. If I remember rightly Anna's then partner left just before Faye arrived, so she ended up as a single adopter - this would not be allowed in the real worldBut as someone who does have direct contact with birth dad I am finding it very interesting. I dont think I'd be inviting dad round for tea every week, but I dont think I's really have a problem with Simba phoning his dad every week if thats what he wanted.Would the birth dad have bought the laptop if Owen had smashed the one she had in the first place? I think the interesting thing here is that Anna is the legal parent, she has a partner with no legal rights assuming a parental role who is prone to violence, (didnt he hit Faye in one episode) and a birth dad who is currenly being presented as a fairly nice character.Interesting to see where it goes
Edited 17/02/2021
homebird2003 March 2, 2013 10:33
As a member of birth family I am pleased that it was the adoptee who tracked down her birth father - it probably would have been more dramatic if it was the other way around. Its good to see how a.mum was initially shocked but understanding that nows its happened she has to work with it. I'm a bit annoyed that mums boyfriend is now playing the heavy handed father when he wasn't really involved with the girl much before, but it is important that all sides of the story are shown and I think Corrie are handling it very well.I think it highlights how easy it is to trace via the internet but its not always the birth family who do the tracking down.
Edited 17/02/2021
MGM March 3, 2013 01:16
I don't see any worth (in the educational sense) in the storyline. It's ridiculously inaccurate, in the real world (given Faye's age) the FB contact thing (regardless of who contacted who!) would be treated as a child protection issue. There would've been masses of communication and preparation before any direct contact was allowed, and when I say 'allowed' I'm thinking not only of social work but of the adoptive parent. They've portrayed Anna as being extremely clued up on all things adoption thus far, a strong and assertive adoptive parent who is extremely protective of Faye, so it just doesn't follow that she'd dither to the extent she has, and be as utterly permissive about the whole thing. Faye was adopted as an older child (she's 10 I think?) and to my knowledge it's extremely rare for a (single) child of that age to be placed for adoption. Perhaps an older child who'd spent a great deal of time with their birth family would be as confident and assured as Faye is, however I think the story is that she's never met this man? I tend to think that most 10 year old adoptees in that situation would become very distressed and confused after the short term thrill of tracing birth family. I can't imagine they'd be as responsible/self assured/confident about it all as Faye is.I suspect that the storyline will go on to have Tim developing feelings for Anna, and Faye trying to get them together.
Edited 17/02/2021
touchwood April 23, 2013 19:41
We are thinking of stopping our AD who is almost 10 watching this as we are seeing the effects it has on her. we did ban Tracy Beaker for the same reason, Banning it might not be politically correct but the story lines are not accurate anyway, its very confusing for her.
Edited 17/02/2021


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