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single with disability (sorry long)

PuppyLove May 12, 2011 18:50
I'm looking into adoption, just starting, talking to the LA and a VA and trying to decide which one is for me.I'm feeling a little insecure about my circumstances though and i'm wondering if there are any other potential adopters in a similar boat.i am single, which on its own probably wouldn't be too much of a problem. but i also have a disability, its a rare-ish one but basically comes down to me having a short neck, and restricted motion in my shoulders.... i cant reach above my head. my home is modified to accomodate this... other than that its mostly on with life.there is a secondary effect on my lungs but there has been no change in that in over 10 years and my consultant has sent me on my merry way.I want to believe that i could be a great mum to some AD/AS despite my circumstances.... am i nuts?
Edited 17/02/2021
wee me May 15, 2011 14:38
Hi PuppyloveWelcome to the boards! Obviously I can't speak for your disability or situation as everyone is different, but having recently been approved I have learned a few pointers along the way which we think helped. I am a very independent wheelchair user and I am married, when we first set out on this journey, my dh and I had some different fews as to what age, abilities, etc we could manage. I have been certain from the start that I wanted a baby as, to me, this was the 'easiest' way to manage my disability around the child with them learning to get used to things and bonding from an early age. My husband on the other hand always said an older child would be easier as they can already walk, dress, feed, etc etc... thinking this would help me, and theory probably was right in normal circumstances. In learning things from here, the social workers, prep groups and everything else about some of the difficulties children and we as parents can face when we adopt, I just knew in my heart I was right. Although, that's not to say no-one with a disability has ever adopted an older child. Of course they have, but this was just right for us. What I did from the start was gather as much info as possible about disabled parenting tips, equipment, techniques etc and also joined the Disabled Parents Network website who are just fantastic. It's all disabled parents who have been there, done it and can advise on things I never even thought of!!! The approval panel were apparently very impressed that I had gone to so much trouble in researching all this stuff and we've even been approved for a 'young' baby (ie under a year!). Sorry this a bit long winded, but I suppose I just wanted to let you know I didn't even think I would be accepted but after finding out all the info from other parents I got more and more confident about the whole thing. Like I said, everybody's situation is different, but all you can do is be prepared. If you can give social workers as much info about yourself, your abilities and the positives then I'm pretty sure you'll be ok, but quite a lot of us disabled parents even need assistance for our own needs at some stage so don't be frightened to even say you will need some help. That's what social workers are there for.I hope you do decide to go for it, and I wish you all the best. Let us know how you get on. WM xx
Edited 17/02/2021


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