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One bed home

November 8, 2020 22:33

Hello all. Just wondering if someone living in a one bedroom flat can adopt?

if they have asked to be matched with a child under the age of two. I have heard of social workers asking the adopter to move house before they start the process, but what if that is not possible, especially during these current times.

I constantly hear that anyone can adopt but that doesn’t seem to be the case if you are single and living in a one bed flat.

Is it even possible?


Edited 17/02/2021
Indie900 November 14, 2020 22:10

I've heard that you need to have a spare bedroom for the child, which to me seems important and justified. I imagine that the notion behind "anyone can adopt" is more along the lines of: you can adopt no matter your age, race, sexual or gender orientation etc.

Edited 17/02/2021
November 15, 2020 16:13

Thanks Indie. I have always been clear and my LA know I have a one. I have showed them that when the time is right I can move. I am very apprehensive to do this during Covid times and reluctant to pause the process until Covid is under control and I feel comfortable looking (especially when there is absolutely no idea when that hail happen).

I have decided no longer to register any interest with children and just see if there are SW that understand my situation and plan.

Edited 17/02/2021


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