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Testamentary Guardianship?

PATTY1 February 11, 2014 21:27
Hi All, I need some advice from anyone who has arranged a testamentary guardian for the care of their adopted child in the event of adoptive parents death? Would the guardian(s) be responsible for day-to-day care of the child? Reason I'm asking is that it came up during discussions from initial home visit.
Edited 17/02/2021
kstar February 11, 2014 23:05
I had to have in my par what arrangements I would make for the child in the event of my death, particularly as I am single. I wouldn't commit myself to naming a testamentary guardian because I said it would depend on the child's relationship to various people over time. What we agreed was that it would be one of three people and that, post adoption order, I would nominate my mum in my will to make the right decision about starlet's ongoing care; it will be for her to decide whether she is best placed to provide day to day care or if it needs to be someone younger/ geographically closer.
Edited 17/02/2021
Bluelagoon February 12, 2014 22:24
This question came up during my first home study. I was expecting it as I had read about it in "Flying Solo" by Julia Wise. Fortunately my sister and I had discussed this years ago and had agreed that we would be guardians for each other's child. My niece is now 18 but my sister stands by her agreement for any child that I'm fortunate to adopt. The guardian, should anything happen to you, will assume full responsibility for the child. Ideally it should be someone whom you and the child have a close relationship with.
Edited 17/02/2021
PATTY1 February 12, 2014 22:46
Thanks Kstar-that sounds like a sensible way to do it as it would be important that the relationship between the child and guardian should be a good one.
Edited 17/02/2021
PATTY1 February 12, 2014 22:52
Yes, I think it should be someone who we and child has a good relationship with. I was thinking of my brother and his wife as they have lots of childcare experience and are in a stable relationship.
Edited 17/02/2021


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