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Adoptive mother’s experiences of their children ‘reuniting’ with birth parents

Press and PR Officer February 14, 2018 09:49
Adoption UK has received the following media request: I am writing an article for a national Sunday supplement about adoption – and particularly the adoptive mother’s experience and emotional journey when her children (teen or adult) have ‘reunions’ with birth parents. The reason we are writing this is that we were contacted by a mother who felt forgotten and frozen out when her adult children sought their birth families without telling her or involving her at all.. She felt there was no support for her, and nowhere to voice her very complicated emotions. There is also the issue of teenagers finding their birth parents (or vice versa) through social media with little planning/ preparation or thought. If any adoptive parents have experience of this and would speak to me– anonymously is absolutely fine – please contact me. I’d be happy to show you the copy before publication. ---- EMAIL REDACTED ----
Edited 17/02/2021


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