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Underage pregnancy

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Fenwick March 26, 2019 10:02
Late to this conversation. However, I would like to say to people who say " oh Teenagers will have sex anyway"..that really is rolling over and not at all helpful to the parents of the other party who is trying to keep their CHILD safe. One of my AD was going through a tough time as her sister was really kicking off. Although we tried hard to give her as much attention as we could, she sought solace aged 13 with a 15 year old BF. When they first started going out together, we went to meet his parents, they said all the right things, " yes she is too young, understand she us vulnerable at the moment, agree with you 100%" etc etc. Only to find out she was already having sex in their house with their knowledge, concept and encouragement. We tried " grounding " her...I know, I know when did this ever work? I told them I would inform Police if they allowed her in their house again. That sent them into orbit ( didn't want their son " criminalised" ) so what did they do? Bought her a blanket for her birthday so they could be more comfy outside. It all came to a head when they offered her a home with them. I completely lost the plot and told her she couldn't ever return if she went there to live, and where would she go when their relationship broke up? Bad times. It did break up inevitably , and of course she came back. Not before they took her on holiday ( no consent asked for) to a Nudist camp abroad. Apparently the difference in name was no problem, as Dad " was friends" with the site owner. Needless to say SS were less than useless, and said " Teenagers have sex" oh, and eventually ex BF posted photos of AD on FB at the campsite wearing nothing at all. Ok this AD in the end, it's something we don't talk about any more as we both end up in tears. So when I hear parents say they'd rather teens be warm in their house, I think no! Not underage
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 March 26, 2019 16:49
It was NOT having a warm house to use for this purpose that has kept many a teenager from going the whole hog ( as it were) Quite frankly, if they are determined to do it they can find a a way , but making it harder where possible gives them a get out clause sometimes. Some are glad of that , even if they don't admit it at the time. I do remember my mum letting my sister and her boyfriend spend time in our ( shared) bedroom, and sending me though there every so often , so as to " interupt" any time alone that might have gone " too far" !! And my father always seemed to be going out to walk the dog just when my first serious boyfriend and I were sitting in his car saying goodnight.
Edited 17/02/2021
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