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A strange week

Johanna August 31, 2009 10:10
We have had a lot of emotions to cope with as a family over the last weekOur former foster daughter, the birth mother of our 2 girls aged 15 and 9, has been round and very much in contact.We have seen Teen Miss taking over her old role at times of ''looking after mum'' and also dealing with her own complex feelings. She is pregnant and knows her relationship with her birth mother is never going to be as it was - we talked carefully about this before the direct contact.Little Miss has become more aware of her past; she has though seemed to internalise it well and has made several perceptive comments. She has wanted to be physically close to her birth mother (does not remember living with her) yet when she is by herslf with us, she wants all the cuddles she can get and it does help that for the last year or so ( we have been a family for well over 7 years) Little Miss has been coming up to us spontaneously and saying that she loves us;( Oh I Do love you!). Teen Miss tends to say this ( a quick ''love you'')when she has had a present or wants a present.We are pleased though that Teen Miss is talking openly and honestly about her feelings around her birth mother. She has insights into her behaviours. In an odd way, her pregnancy is protecting her - she has her boyfriend and his family in her life too and this is her focus. It all seems slightly unreal. Johanna
Edited 17/02/2021
birdlady August 31, 2009 10:47
Thinking of you, Johanna - there certainly is a lot going on for you all .. sounds like your two misses are managing it all very well, congrats.Regards, birdlady
Edited 17/02/2021
Step August 31, 2009 16:31
If we think of how the TV adverts depict the "typical"family then many of us who live more "interesting"!!! family lives would never fit into that image.I am sure too that many social workers/therapists would find it hard to imagine how a birth mother can reconnect with her daughters , encouraged and supported by their adopters.AS you say its been a strange week-by accepting that what is happening is unusual, by supporting your daughters in forming their own opinions, by being there to hear their"I love yous" you are giving your teens the stability and confidence they need to negotiate and work out for themselves their relationship with their birth mum.You have done well to prepare them for this -your family is very different from the TV advert families but it feels very real with real love and real commitment to each other.i hope you had a good bank holiday together.
Edited 17/02/2021
Shes like the wind August 31, 2009 16:46
sounds positive....maybe the maternal hormones are kicking in and she is feeling something that she had not felt before??
Edited 17/02/2021
Hippychick August 31, 2009 21:52
Sending you all a big hug.HCx
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 1, 2009 10:00
Just sending support thats all myself and Mr D can do. You seem to be approaching this well. Oh dear what a mess our kids are.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021


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