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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 15:10
I am spitting feathers! DS had a nasty fight, which was stopped the first time so he went back later to finish it off!Surprise surprise it happened at lunchtime, surprise surprise the dinner ladies tried to manhandle him and threaten him, which resulted in him getting angry with them as well!Even more of a shock - none of his "attachment figures" - as required in his statement - attended to him during the whole of the dinner hour, which meant he couldn''t get himself out of his rage.The upshot is, school are going to permanently exclude him This when they know I am in the process of trying to find a suitable residential place for him.They claim it will help us get what he needs! It''s a blooming farce! It makes me ashamed of the education system in this country.Phoebe x
Edited 17/02/2021
tangerine July 4, 2013 15:46
Sorry to hear this Phoebe, it does sound like maybe he was set up to fail-in his best interests of course or so they will say. Can you contact SOSSEN and see if they have any advice to offer in this situation?
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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 15:58
Thanks tangerine, I will try them! I have spoken with an education law specialist too.Phoebe x
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Mummamoo July 4, 2013 16:44
Dreadful situationI recommend reading the following DfE have to be very careful not to discriminate against a pupil's additional need/s. The above puts it quite clearly what schools should and shouldn't do, and also the appeals process. Timing isn't good tho' is it? There aren't many days left at school.
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Angelgirl July 4, 2013 17:01
I'm so sorry to hear this phoebeI too am very ashamed of the education system in this country and that's after putting my heart and soul into it for 10 years.My daughter was excluded twice from Reception, once when she was 4 and again at 5 after we had said we were de-registering her!!!We took her out after being told repeatedly that she would be permanently excluded. This apparently is a 'very inclusive' school in our area (sigh) and one that is very clued up about attachment disorder (yes, the sort that our dd doesn't have).I reported the treatment of our baby to everyone I could think of and I hope they got into loads of troubleReport them to Sir Martin Narey, Edward Timpson MP, Dr Maggie Atkinson, your local MP and the directorate for children's services at your LA.The more adopters that complain about this the better, it happens far too often. The government give out completely mixed messages about encouraging more adoptions but then fail to support the needs of our children after adoption and particularly in education.I'm so sorry that you and your son have had to go through this. It is awful for adopted children and very isolating.Massive hugs,A xxp.s. I don't think I will ever return to teaching, i've lost all faith in the system
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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 17:50
Angelgirl,I can't see me getting back in a classroom in the forseeable future! It's just a complete farce. All Gove wants is perfect little middle class clones who recite poetry and learn by rote without questioning! It make smy blood boil to think how many children are sitting, rotting, in schools all over the country, or even worse no longer on role.There is so little understanding of the ongoing effects of trauma and attachment in terms of what adopted children need. My beautiful little boy, who so desperately wanted to go to school and have fun learning is just being pushed further and further away by the system. He never feels safe so he runs and lashes out. He never ever gets his entitlement to support, and what he gets is always cobbled together by people with no training or skills in attachment.How dare they keep trashing our children in this way?My boy is one of the brightest people in his school, and due to their ineptitude and lack of sophostication he has been reduced to studying five subjects and having no prospects of passing his GCSEs, even before this last debacle.I'm seriously thinking of going public now! These people should be named and shamed.phoebe x
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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 17:53
Mummamoo,Thank you so much for the link.I absolutely cannot dispute my son broke the rules, but then they knew he would break the rules from day one. Just a few weeks ago when I queried his pathetic support and lack of progress, they assured me how he was making good progress!I don't want my son to stay there and fail, but the situation which arose would not have occurred if he had been properly managed. They just don't reflect on what is actually available for these children.So far my research seems to suggest virtually nothing!I am so very angry!Thank you again for your support.Phoebe x
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freddie2 July 4, 2013 21:09
Hi phoebeJust wanted to send you and your son our support. It is so sad when schools fail our children in this way, especially given what they have already been though. It is heartless My daughter is at her third school and he is only 5! Luckily the new school is wonderful, but our previous two experiences were very negative. I couldn't believe how a 4/5 year old could be judged, and how little compassion and experience there was. They owed my ad a duty of care and as far as I can tell they failed In this. All they seemed to genuinely care about was her potential impact on the rest of the class room. But we are now in a much better place, and I am so relieved that we have moved on. The transformation in my ad is huge and that is all because she now feels safe and secure, liked and accepted. She is a much happier child, and I feel so much better too and feel we now have some sense of normality, whist previously is was issue after issue on a daily basis.I complained about the last school, and I am glad that I did. But just wanted to give you hope that things can be more positive, and your son deserves and hopefully will get better treatment in his new school.Take care xx
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REM July 4, 2013 21:32
So sorry to hear about this.It sounds like a dreadful experience for you and your son. It sounds as though the school struggled to take your warnings and advice seriously enough and set him up to fail, which is very unhelpful!I hope that you are able to get some support, both immediately and long term.
Edited 17/02/2021
marjorie July 4, 2013 21:57
Phoebe67,Sorry to hear about this.It all sounds so familiar, my son I thought was doing ok never had any complaints.Then out the blue I receive a phone call HT could I collect my son ASAP.When I get there he sat in reception looking really scared(-I ask what's wrong? We don't know what to do at the moment until we decide what to do can you keep him off!2 days later I'm asked to go into see the HT "We've had a complaint from a parent that H has been disrupting class well, a few boys, but H was the catalyst!Parent is worried about her daughters emotional welfare! Could H come into school part-time until we decided what to do with him.I did let him go back part- time wish I hadn't .....Another phone call we don't think he should be having lunch anymore? Some parents are concerned as he has been swearing at them!I took him out and, never went back.But, before we left I dropped H home with dad.I returned back to the school marched into her office told her were to stick her school!Then walked into DH room and, give him what for.Wasn't very grown up of me but, in so glad I did it.
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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 21:59
Thanks so much Freddie2 and REM.HAve just had a call to say that the LA are going to fund a tutoring service starting ASAP whilst things are sorted. I am guessing my voice gave them a strong clue as to how cross I am. Don't know how it will work, but it's a stop gap.Unfortunately, DS is obviously very stressed by the events this week and he has gone out and his phone has died, so as he's now 2 hours late it may well be another long night with the boys in blue!Thanks again,Phoebe x
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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 22:04
Marjorie,I bet you felt so much better!Good for you for getting it off your chest! Hope it has worked out for you since the move?Phoebe x
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marjorie July 4, 2013 22:15
Hi,Yes he is in a much better school he is in now does seem to be more fair, like him and,, he has been away on school trips with no problems. HT at the last school really had a bee in her bonnet about LAC in my opinion.I have heard through the grapevine she is now been investigated and, the nasty, senco, staff for their shoddy treatment of SEN children.I should of gone with my gut instinct when I met her I didn't like her!
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freddie2 July 4, 2013 22:37
Hope he s ok and back very soon xx
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phoebe67 July 4, 2013 23:02
Thanks,no news yet! Phoebe x
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phoebe67 July 5, 2013 00:18
Found him! A lucky hunch, and he was in one of the regular dope smoking haunts he now frequents, where the parents didn't think it was late so didn't bother letting me know!Phoebe x
Edited 17/02/2021


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