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Missm1 June 7, 2022 21:29

Hi. I’m looking for anyone who could help. Looking to talk to people who have adopted. We are a biracial couple at the very start of our journey and are so excited to begin. Thank you.

Safia June 8, 2022 10:32

Hi and welcome to the world of adoption! We are an ethnically mixed couple - Asian and white. We adopted over twenty years ago so things are probably quite different for anyone going through the process now. We adopted through a voluntary agency and started looking very early in the process - after the training but before the assessment had started. We found a little girl who was a good match and they were interested! She had a brother then a couple of months old (she was under 2) and they wanted us to consider him too. They visited and were very positive and hinted to our SW he should speed up the process! (As nothing official could happen till we were approved) Our daughter had had a non accidental head injury (though had no obvious disabilities) and also because they were mixed heritage and two siblings were considered hard to place. They did visit at least one other couple though. We are not an exact match (ethnically) but close enough. Hopefully you’ll get some more responses from people who have adopted more recently and also if you have any specific questions you might get replies to those. These boards are very quiet now as so many people left after the last shake up but you will get more replies - it might just take a while!

Good luck with it all

Missm1 June 8, 2022 19:57

Thank you so much. We are really excited to start the process and hopefully, fingers crossed we can start our little family !

EHOPE June 11, 2022 07:54

HI. Its really excited getting started and feel like your on your way to making your family! We are also an ethnically mixed couple, and were approved in January and currently waiting to be matched. For us the homestudy process was really good and we enjoyed having the homework to do as it made us feel like we were activly doing something to take one step closer. Im finding this waiting part to be the hardest as it feels like we are always just waiting for someone to reply to us however we are keeping positive and know its all about finding the right match. Though I know the real hard work will begin once little one is placed with us! We feel lucky and our social worker has been great throughout, we really feel she is rooting for us and is guiding and supporting us all the way. Im finding it helpful to just read everything I can and get all the jobs ive been putting off at home done so we really are as ready as we can be once matched, it helps keep my mind busy as well while waiting.

Good luck with your journey !

Edited 11/06/2022


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