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Can anyone recommend an Ed Psych with adoption/attachment experience in Surrey area?

MaccaPacca February 7, 2019 20:02
Hi all, I received the disappointing news this afternoon that my application for an EHCP assessment for my daughter has been refused. Her teacher was almost in tears - she's desperate for help in the classroom as my daughter (who has FASD) is so anxious and demanding of her attention. I feel sorry for my daughter (who gets so anxious and overwhelmed that she vomits when she gets home), her teacher and all the other children who are missing out on the teacher's time. I'm going to go to mediation and then appeal, but in the meantime I've decided to go ahead and get a private EHCP assessment done to add strength to the appeal. Does anyone know of an Ed Psych with adoption/attachment experience in the borders of south London/Surrey? Ps. I know that there's an article going into the Sunday Times this week by an adoptive parent with the same problem so might be an interesting read... Thanks in advance x
Edited 17/02/2021
Flosskirk February 7, 2019 23:29
Hi. Sorry to hear that. I had similar and had to fight for a then Statement for my daughter. I won! Anyway I used SOS!Sen who are an educational charity based in Twickenham. They advised me on what to do next and gave me names of therapists to use. I did ed psych, ot and salt. You have to time. them carefully. Don't just use anyone btw. You need professionals used to complex needs kids and going for tribunal. SOS!Sen is widely used by parents nationally but particularly in sw London, / Surrey. Good luck x
Edited 17/02/2021
MaccaPacca February 8, 2019 06:18
Thanks so much, Flosskirk that's really helpful x
Edited 17/02/2021


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