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Acronyms & abbreviations - the T's

onlineteamAUK April 24, 2019 11:22

A guide to some of the commonly used acronyms and abbreviations from our boards beginning with the letter T:

TA - Teaching Assistant

TAFN - That’s all for now

TAFT - That’s a frightening thought

TBC - To be continued

TBH - To be honest

TGIF - That god it’s Friday

TIA - Thanks in advance

TIC - Tongue in cheek

TLC - Tender loving care

TPTB - The powers that be

TTBOMK - To the best of my knowledge

TTC - Trying to conceive

TTFN - Ta-Ta for now

TTUL - Talk to you later

TYVM - Thank you very much

Edited 17/02/2021

Best wishes, Online Team AUK


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