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Embarking on the Process

Singleton43 January 27, 2021 18:23

Hey everyone, newbie hear!

I have been accepted by Barnados into the first stage; classes(march) and checks.

I am a single potential adopter and I'm 43. Anyone in the same boat or been through this before?

I'm so scared to get excites in case I fail the process in some way.

Anyone any insight, advice?

Thanks 😊

Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda27 January 27, 2021 18:49


I’m a single adopter, I was 42 when I started out, I’m now old and grey with a 16 year old.

A bit of nerves is not so bad, its a huge thing you are undertaking. Is there anything in particular you are worried about ?

Edited 17/02/2021
Lettice January 28, 2021 08:25

I'm another single adopter and also early 40's when I adopted. I found it a a good time to become a mum, already having done things like travelling, job changes, moving etc.

The main tip for passing the process is to show your flexibility and resourcefulness (especially back-up plans). Show that you will base any future decisions on the individual needs of your child.

There's a very supportive UK group of prospective single adopters on facebook, where you can chat with other single adopters at every stage of the process. It's worth joining facebook just for that network!

Edited 17/02/2021


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