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Acronyms & abbreviations - the I's

onlineteamAUK April 24, 2019 11:14

A guide to some of the commonly used acronyms and abbreviations from our boards beginning with the letter I:

IA - Independent Agency (formerly VA - Voluntary Agency)

IAC - In any case

IAE - In any event

IC - I see

ICBW - I could be wrong

IDTT - I’ll drink to that

IIRC - If I remember correctly

IME - In my experience

IMHO - In my honest opinion

IMO - In my opinion

IMPE - In my personal/previous experience

IMPOV - In my point of view

IMS - I must say

IOW - In other words

IWBNI - It would be nice if

Edited 17/02/2021

Best wishes, Online Team AUK


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